I don't see any reason why people seek shortcuts to success in different aspects of life dealings. There are pathways created by God which were revealed to men and women of old, some of them received revelations ignorantly and passed the ignorance unto their children who tried to explore spiritual growth thereby leading to demonic possession.  Demonic activities are everywhere and continues happening everyday because many people failed to engage the word of God. 🔥
Now is the time to engage your tool of FIRE once again. And if you have never engaged it, start praying " HolySpirit fill me with your fire"
There is a fire which is released and the principalities in the kingdoms obey your own principles because you are a son/ daughter of an everlasting and glorious kingdom.
The devil cannot stop a praying machine, unless his engine gets knocked out, Don't keep quiet, never allow the devil to look at you as a fool, let your mouth speak the branded fire!

When you are walking speak CAPITAL LETTERS in the holy ghost *KAZANABALAMAKABA*🔥🔥🔥🔥 Let the fire be generated from within!
You are a territorial commander, use your FGMD (Fiery Weapon of Mass Destruction). That is the only access route into the realms of unending power!🔥



  1. Powerful and enlightening sir
    God bless you and increase you in Jesus Name


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