2019 in Prophecy!*

1. Agriculture will begin to take over crude products in Nigeria
2. There will be abundance of rain for great harvest.
3. Many false pastors, prophets & members will be showcased with sex scandals in 2019
4. Two(2) prominent politicians will be attacked and have their lives in danger by counterparts.
5. Testimonies will arise about how people survived floods and earthquakes majorly
6. Food items will be cheaper in the western region of Nigeria and rise in the North.
7. Plantains, Cocoa, Palm oil and Rice will be the major export of the Eastern /South-South region
 8. There will be a political riot in South Africa and Zambia as previous political figures will create a public hate.
9. There will be many childbirths and Naming ceremonies in 2019, the barren shall be fruitful.
10. Pray against the massive spread of diseases from our young children& teenagers.
11. Many will book travel tickets for important trips this year.
12. Wealth shall be seen so massively this year for those who persistently wait on God
13. Pray against separation of families and disputes in marriages.
14. 2019 will be a year of HELP" as many will be pushed forward to rise.
15. Witches and Wizards will be exposed as they will lose relevance and their powers will become useless.
16. Fish farming will create multiple income this year
17. Some multinational companies will fold as a result of mismanagement
18. Fulani herdsmen will stop killings as many will be turned to Christ
19. True men of God will arise with the major aim of proclaiming the Gospel of salvation.
20. God will put the gift of healings on a rampage for the use of his children.
21. There will be a massive troop of individuals/citizens into politics.
22. Revival will occur in different corners of the world as unbelievers will be utterly hopeless without Jesus.
23. World news will announce the prevention of cancer from atmospheric cancerous contamination substances and sun rays through newly invented laser pads.

- *Prophet Hope Ocholi*


  1. God bless you sir and may His words given to man through you never fall to the ground until it has accomplished that which God has sent it and prospered in that which God purposed for it.

  2. Wow..number 2 is already a REALITY ooo

  3. God bless you Sir. More Grace


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