PROPHECY FOR 2021 What is GOD saying about the year 2021 ? ... by Hope Ocholi 1. 2021 will be a great year as wealth and influence will increase for Gods own and those who seek wealth and influence outside God shall be doomed. 2. There shall be so many testimonies of the barren becoming blessed mothers of children. 3. There would be mass healings of Gods Children that will surprise medical practitioners. 4. The fire of the HolySpirit has begun to pass through boarders and burn the chaff in many lives 5. The sun will release a mass ejection which will affect human skin. This will not happen in Africa 6. Free trade zones will be created in the UK to attract companies such as Facebook, Google and Amazon." 7. A new virus which has no affilation to covid 19 will emerge from china in 2021 which shall bring up a contemplation about the second lock down 8. Corona virus vaccines will be released, this will not be a total cure but it will reduce the spread and reduce...